Archive for the ‘ simplicity ’ Category

Feast for Bridezilla’s and Wanna be Bridezilla’s

Weddings disturb me. Actually these days anything related to weddings disturbs me. A syndrome I developed from the universe yet to conspire an impending arranged marriage for myself. The more I avoid remotely related to marriage links, the more I stumble upon them. Good to know that Murphy and Finagle still dot over me.

Bridezilla’s and wanna be Bridezilla’s, here’s a treat for you. Style me Pretty, their tag line couldn’t be more apt – Obsession for Brides. Love the wedding photographs, the design, the décor. Simplicity makes weddings looks so amazing. Each photograph successfully captures the emotions behind the shutters. I am sure your inner monologue will utter at least one awwww.

Shout out to Elizabeth Messina, love the way she captures life in photographs. You can check her work here. Love her wedding photographs. The West does such a commendable job on capturing the heart and soul of a wedding. Don’t get me started on photographers at South Indian weddings.

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Wear the old coat, buy the new book & stack em on your self made bookshelf

I take immense pleasure in displaying my books. Yes! I do enjoy showing off books I love. Stacked books can change the look and feel of your room. They bring about special warmth. I drool over most bookshelves I see especially the ones from Ikea. The invisible book shelf came to my rescue.

Came across this simple, awesome and inexpensive way to display your books. The books are stacked horizontally and appear to float on the wall. This doesn’t ruin the book, saves space and you can show off your collection in style. Definitely affordable. All it takes is a few L brackets and screws to get an awesome invisible bookshelf.
You can find step-by-step instructions on how to get the invisible bookshelf here.

Wear the old coat, buy the new book and stack them on your self made invisible bookshelf.

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Afternoon Roar – Teux Deux

Tired of making millions of to-do lists? Tired of carrying post it notes, minuscule papers with things to do scribbled on them? Missed the alarm on your phone for things to do? Well, time to unclutter your things to do lists and bring in some clarity.

Presenting… (Drum roll)… TeuxDeux. Simple, easy-to-use, browser-based to-do application. Well what makes it different from the other to-do application? Simplicity and brilliant design. TeuxDeux is a collaborative to-do application from Swiss Miss and FictiveKin. Swiss Miss aka Tina Roth Esienberg is my favorite designer. It’s a battle to close the browser when on her site. If there is something called a ‘brilliantly awesomely radical simple designer who keeps it clean’ it’s Swiss Miss.

I signed up for a TeuxDeux account. Absolutely love it! It’s simple, easy-to-figure out and use and it’s clean. This to-do application has a calming effect. I suggest you give it a try. The entire design is based on practicality and simplicity.

More on TeuxDeux by Swiss Miss,

“In TeuxDeux, you always see and entire week in front of you and you see what day of the week you’re on. Days in the past are light gray, the actual day is red and days in the future are black. You have the ability of checking items off, which is incredibly satisfying. But, you can also ‘x’ an item off, delete it, if you want to get rid of the clutter. Up to you.
Items that you didn’t take care of ‘today’ will automatically be moved to the next day. Also, you can manually drag items from one day to another time in the future.
Then there’s the “Someday Section”: Sometimes you just need to jolt down an upcoming to-do that doesn’t need to be taken care of in the immediate future. Just get it out of your head by adding it to the someday section”.

Give it a try. You will know why I am all fuzzy about TeuxDeux.

If you do want to hook TeuxDeux on your iPhone it will be possible shortly. The team is working on an iPhone application. You can follow for all the latest.

You can read more on TeuxDeux here.

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Simplicity makes me smile. This definitely made me smile.

Absolutely awesome. Simple idea. Someone writes and draws thoughts, proverbs on post-it notes and sticks them throughout Singapore. The messages on the post-it notes are things we all know but forget. Very creatively designed. These post-it notes definitely catch your eye and provoke your thoughts. My afternoon fix after the rant of the monologues.